
Celebrities are the same as us in many ways. Only with lots more money. Like us they go on holidays, though they may take minders and staff and travel on a private jet. They go shopping, explore new restaurants and get active on social media and many inspire or offer inspiration.
Gwyneth Paltrow is probably the most famous with her online lifestyle site Goop, which she left in 2017, but which is still going strong with some rather extraordinary recommendations, but that’s not so surprising as whilst the rest of us get ‘dumped’, Gwyneth “consciously uncouples”. Some celebrities have their own blogs, which are an instant hit for the fans who want a closer look into their lives, though that’s also the reason some celebrities don’t have blogs.
Who we are
This is where we come in. My name is Megan Hanson and I am 22 years old. I’m born and bred in London and am best friends with Ella Goodwin who is 23 years old and also lives in London. We met online and two years ago decided to combine our interests into this single site.
What we do
Our site updates fans on the lifestyles of different celebrities of all ages from Vivienne Westwood to Millie Bobby Brown, to include singers, dancers and other artists, television personalities, designers, film directors, musicians and much more. We update fans with the celebrities latest projects, plans and current lifestyles, from what they are wearing in clothes, jewellery and accessories, their holiday destinations, the places they go for arts, sports, culture and fun, the people they see, the red carpet events they attend and more.
We post pictures of outfits and see who’s selling similar on the high street so you can have what she or he is wearing whether on or off-screen so that you too can look effortlessly cool or classy. We’ll post insights into their daily lives and post pictures of tours and shows and keep you up-dated on their latest offerings.
Our aims
Who knows, one day we might be as popular as the lifestyle blog, The Tig. This was the blog run by Meghan Markle, who marries Prince Harry on 19 May 2018. Royal protocol means she can no longer continue with her blog, but we will be following her and others in the royal family, particularly Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, married to Harry’s brother William and the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis. We are also intrigued to know more about royal fashion and who is announced as the designer of Meghan’s wedding dress.
Our aim is to print the latest gossip so that you can be up-to-date with all that is happening in the world of celebrity and royalty in the United Kingdom. We will report on the world’s fashion shows in London, Paris, New York and Milan and who’s wearing what each season.